9292 East CD Ave.
Richland, MI 49083

Early Retirement Was Not MY Plan

What made me decide to retire at the ripe old age of 56? I was healthy, in the midst of exciting times at the company that employed me, and my husband and I had recently become empty nesters. That seems like the time to pour on the steam, not slow down.

I get asked those questions a lot, which gives me the opportunity to tell the story of this part of God’s perfect plan for my life. Of course, it took a while for me to see and accept it as God’s plan.

It all started when the job I had enjoyed for over 20 years began to change. Although I had been advised of a new reporting structure and clearly heard God whisper, “I have your back,” I was beginning to realize my role might be transitioning into something that didn’t look too pleasant from my vantage point.

As I pondered my reaction to my new work reality and prayed to hear God’s plan for my life, two events changed my perspective.

First, my 87-year-old mother decided to take me up on my long standing suggestion that she move from her life-long home in Iowa to be closer to me. She needed more help and had no family in her small town and few friends still around that were healthy enough to assist her.

This seemed like the worst possible time for mom to make this decision. The leg-work to find the right living arrangement, not to mention the process of moving her, was sure to be time consuming and right when my job was getting more hectic and there were new players to impress.

I continued to pray for God’s guidance in my work situation, although I was quite busy feeling sorry for myself and having bouts of righteous indignation! I remember thinking I may need a bit of a whack on the side of the head to jolt me out of these thought processes. (History has shown that a less than gentle approach is sometimes required to get my attention.)

The “whack” was indeed delivered, but not to me. Out for a quick test drive on a borrowed bicycle, our 21-year-old daughter flew over the handlebars, landing on her bare head. The result was a severe concussion.

I’m not suggesting that God made this happen or that it was my fault, but of course, God knew it was about to happen. 

Over the course of the next few weeks, our daughter realized she would need to take a medical leave from her junior year at college. She was finding it impossible to sort thoughts and plan activities, to concentrate and to get the restful sleep important to mend her brain. More concerning to me was the anxiety and depression she was experiencing which are typical companions of brain trauma.  It became obvious that I needed to be around to help her through this and make sure she received the right care as her brain did the hard work of healing.

So there was my answer. God knew my daughter and my mother would need me and I hate to admit this, but the decision to leave my job would have been harder had it still been the job I loved.

After serious discussion with my amazing, supportive husband, I decided to retire. Essentially, this decision allowed me to fully focus on these two important women in my life.

At last I knew where God was leading me!

Within a few months of retirement, mom was moved and settling into her new home.  It’s been nice to have her around and to build on the foundation of our mother-daughter relationship.

Thanks to many prayers and God’s healing powers our daughter returned to her college coursework a year after her accident and finished her degree a couple years later. The time I spent with her at home was such a blessing as we healed together from abrupt life changes and built an even stronger bond.

As for me, I now realize that my retirement, like all things, was in God’s timing, not mine.  I am SO blessed.


“ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 NIV


-Jan E