“But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. James 2:18 NIV
This is one of those days where I literally came home from work, inhaled a ham sandwich, rushed off to praise team practice, finally landed home, hugged my wife and sat down to write this blog. I didn’t feel like singing tonight but I did anyway. I am glad I did. I didn’t know it but I needed people tonight. I came home to write this and I didn’t feel like writing but I am going to anyway. Not out of obligation- but rather out of obedience, we are called to participate in this life together even on the days we don’t feel like it. This holds true when we are faced with being bold, and speaking out or taking action that we must not let our feelings-our weariness become a barrier to carrying out God’s tasks for us.
A couple weeks ago my wife made a comment- “actions and speech need to match or line up”. It was a simple enough phrase and I am sure we were discussing either work or politics at the time but for whatever reason, it resonated with me and continues to do that today.
In the current atmosphere of “social awareness” and the new “cancel culture” that we are confronted with daily, there is something that the world can’t take away from us. That is our witness. We are not just called to talk the talk but God calls us to walk the walk. I believe that now, more than ever, people are tired of “the talk” and I believe people see right through it when it is not accompanied by action. People are hungry today- hungry for truth and not the “alternate truth that the media talks about or the “my truth” vs. “your truth” that is rooted in emotion but God’s truth and more specifically true people, people that seem to possess something different.
A person in Sunday school last week said it best- she saw something in a person that she wanted. It wasn’t looks or personality or anything materialistic, but a peace in these chaotic times. That someone lived with a sense of calm and purpose. The example of faith with action, with trust in God’s promises, specifically was what encouraged her to re-engage with church. When we claim to be Christian and we shine by pairing our words and deeds we are being obedient to God’s call to shine our light in a dark world—that lights attracts others. Being a beacon in this current culture is our most important job—even on Thursdays at 9:00 pm.
~Steve and Jody Elms (mostly Jody😊)